/ / 5 Things I’ve Learned While Dealing with Grief

5 Things I’ve Learned While Dealing with Grief

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Now that it’s the holiday season and there are constant reminders to “be of good cheer”, I want to acknowledge that there are so many people who are hurting because they have lost a loved one. If you know someone who is grieving, gently reach out to them or give them time and space if they are not ready or willing to talk or get together.

If you are grieving, I know how hard it is.

My brother, Robert, was killed almost 6.5 years ago and I am still grieving. Some days I feel happy. Other days the grief takes over me and there’s no real “trigger” as to why…and I just have to accept that that’s how I’m feeling that day and do my best fight through.

Below are five things I’ve learned while grieving:

  1. Learn to say, “No” – This is something I’m still learning how to do. I am the type of person who says “yes” to a lot of things because I want to help people, but overcommitting myself while grieving only stresses me out and upsets me. It’s important to take care of yourself, be selfish with your time, and put your health first.
  2. Give yourself time – I found that for the first few months after Robert’s death people knew I was hurting…but after a while, it seemed like they felt like I was “over it” and had moved on and was all happy again. I found that many people don’t understand what grieving is like or what it’s like to unexpectedly lose a sibling, so I feel like I have to be extra patient with myself. Don’t pretend to be okay when you’re not, and don’t force yourself to do things with others just because they want you to. And know that if you’re angry, it’s okay; if you’re sad, it’s okay; if you don’t want to hang out with someone, it’s okay.
  3. Get outside – Whether it’s gardening, going for a walk, sitting in the sun, or running, I find that being outside helps my emotional health so much. Personally, running is my go-to.
  4. Make new traditions – My parents and I have started doing this a little bit. Traditions we had with Robert are special because they are things we did with him and we will always cherish those moments, but they are also painful reminders that he’s not here and won’t be coming back. Beginning new traditions lifts our spirits and we can still think of him while doing them.
  5. Know that grief may never go away – I’ve realized that even though it’s been almost 6.5 years, the grief I have is still very much there. I feel like it’s changed shape and transformed, but the emptiness feeling remains. Other feelings like anger, stress, and sadness continue to pop up and it’s something that I have to work on every single day.

I hope you find these helpful whether you know someone dealing with grief or not. Be patient and kind with one another because you never know what someone is battling.

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  1. I just came across this post and everything you said was spot on. I lost my dad this past March and the holidays have been challenging. I keep reminding myself to put my oxygen mask on first. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I came across your blog using your hashtag on Instagram. My brother, Robert, was killed in a car accident on March 20, 2018, at age 26. He was the most beautiful person inside and out AND he was a runner. I “run for Rob” every single day. Your post and your blog was just what I needed to come across today, especially as my family and I near that dreaded one year mark. I will follow your story on Instagram. I’m so sorry for your loss and hope you continue to find comfort and connections to your brother in “running for Robert”.

  3. I like what you said about going outside in the sun. I think that makes sense considering the vitamin D can help improve your mood. I’ll have to make sure that I get exercise and go outside to improve my mood.

  4. Stumbled across this trying to find everything I can about Leadville (running the heavy half on my 50th bday this year), and so glad I did! Lost my mom in 2020 and she was really the only consistent and stable factor in my life other than work, and she was not well, so I was constantly worrying and checking on her. You don’t realize just how much of your life space they occupy until they’re gone. Sorry about your brother, and we just take it a day at a time, huh?! 🙁 I hope she finds me in Leadville in some way!

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